Metric outer measure

In mathematics, a metric outer measure is an outer measure μ defined on the subsets of a given metric space (Xd) such that

\mu (A \cup B) = \mu (A) %2B \mu (B)

for every pair of positively separated subsets A and B of X.

Construction of metric outer measures

Let τ : Σ → [0, +∞] be a pre-measure on X, i.e. a set function defined on a class Σ of subsets of X containing the empty set ∅, such that τ(∅) = 0. One can show that the set function μ defined by

\mu (E) = \lim_{\delta \to  0} \mu_{\delta} (E),


\mu_{\delta} (E) = \inf \left\{ \left. \sum_{i = 1}^{\infty} \tau (C_{i}) \right| C_{i} \in \Sigma, \mathrm{diam} (C_{i}) \leq \delta, \bigcup_{i = 1}^{\infty} C_{i} \supseteq E \right\},

is not only an outer measure, but in fact a metric outer measure as well. (Some authors prefer to take a supremum over δ > 0 rather than a limit as δ → 0; the two give the same result, since μδ(E) increases as δ decreases.)

For the function τ one can use

\tau(C) = \mathrm{diam} (C)^s,\,

where s is a positive constant; this τ is defined on the power set of all subsets of X; the associated measure μ is the s-dimensional Hausdorff measure. More generally, one could use any so-called dimension function.

This construction is very important in fractal geometry, since this is how the Hausdorff and packing measures are obtained.

Properties of metric outer measures

Let μ be a metric outer measure on a metric space (Xd).

A_{1} \subseteq A_{2} \subseteq \dots \subseteq A = \bigcup_{n = 1}^{\infty} A_{n},
and such that An and A \ An+1 are positively separated, it follows that
\mu (A) = \sup_{n \in \mathbb{N}} \mu (A_{n}).
\mu (A \cup B) = \mu (A) %2B \mu (B).
